Subst. "Seutopolis"

Subst. “Seutopolis” 110/20 kV substations, 2x25 MVA was commissioned by BCI Holding to connect their photovoltaic park with a total installed capacity 50 MW. The project also includes an extension of the substation. “Funerals” with one field 110 kV to which substation is connected. “Seutopolis”.
Subst. “Seutopolis” consists of ORU 110 kV with one terminal and two transformer fields, 2 power transformer 110/20 kV substations, 25 MVA each and KRU 20 kV with total 17 cabinet.
The relay protections are of the MiCOM P543 series, P442, P642, P141 for 110 kV and MiCOM P139 for switchgear 20 kV production at AREVA/Schneider Electric, as well as RNA REG-DA from a.Eberle. The protections were configured and integrated into the site's SCADA system by TriEl specialists.
TriEl supplied and developed the site's SCADA system, based on SPRECON-E-C local controllers for ARU 110 kV substations, relay protections MiCOM P139 for KRU 20 kV and operator stations based on Sprecher Automation's SPRECON-V460 HMI platform. The system has been working without fail since its commissioning in. June 2012 Mr. until.
Main contractor
BCI Kazanluk Holding